Monday, November 26, 2007

What good is a strong economy when nearly 21% of children in our province live in poverty?

While browsing through the daily news stories on the CBC website, I stumbled across a recent study indicating child poverty had remained unchanged in the two decades since the House of Commons vowed to end child poverty in 1989. Quite shocking to say the least. The CBC article went on to say that Children advocacy groups are lobbying the Harper government to hold off the 1% GST tax cut and instead use that money to tackle the issue of child poverty. In recent years, as our country and many of our provinces began to do better economically, surpluses resulted in talks of tax cuts and the sort, but I think that the money is better spent not on tax cuts, but on eliminating child poverty. In British Columbia, an astounding 20.9% of children in poverty, that's more than 1 in 5, even though the province has one of Canada's faster growing economies. This is cliched, but as a proper society, we shouldn't let poverty cripple the futures of 20.9% of children. That is wrong and just plain disgusting. I'm sure most of you are willing to give up the tax cuts so families living in poverty can receive more support from Provincial and Federal governments. I know I am. We could also donate more and volunteer in programs that help Children in need.

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