Monday, December 3, 2007

Dissent = Treason?

Naomi Wolf points out in this well written article that there are steps required to close down a democracy and slowly our neighbours to the South are inching towards a closed society. She supports her argument very well by drawing many parallels between Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and our neighbours to the south. By inducing fear, turning dissent into treason, creating gulags, spying on ordinary citizens, creating thug castes (much like the Black shirts), harassing citizens' groups, arbitrarily putting people on lists that remove their rights and privileges, and muddying the press with propaganda, they have initiated the corrosion of the foundations that their nation was built upon. With House Resolution 1955, the fear is that number 9 on Naomi's list "Dissent equals treason" may be one step closer to reality. Dennis Kucinich recently argued that Resolution 1955 is unconstitutional, going on to say “If you understand what this bill does, it really sets the stage for further criminalization of protest.”

Original Article:

This is indeed troublesome not only for our neighbours down south but also for the rest of the world. I don't even want to imagine what they may do to the rest of the world if their leader is able to rule with absolute power in a society where dissent and treason are the same.

I promise I'll post more local Canadian things in coming days, I've been reading too many of these darn presidential candidacy stories lately.

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