Sunday, May 11, 2008

Salvation lies within...

Today I came across a blog entry on the CBC about how it's the end of the road for Hillary Clinton's bid for the Democratic presidential candidacy after her loss in North Carolina. I think one of the comments to the blog was better than anything I've read covering the primaries. The author of the comment wrote:

"Oh fellow Americans - we all want hope. But that comes from within ourselves - no one can give it to us - NOT OBAMA, NOT HILARY NOR MC CAIN. Hope in someone else isn't going to feed your families or prevent you from losing your income or for that matter making more income, hope isn't going to stop the outrageous government spending, etc. Hope is necessary, but instead of putting all your hopes in another person - you may want to put it into yourselves."

I suppose this as true in today's troubled world as it was back in the early days of humankind before there were Gods or organized systems of government. The comment reminded me of the phrase "Salvation lies within.", and made me think of how true it is today. In good times or bad times, salvation lies within ourselves, we should not hope for the government to make everything better for us. As the author of the comment pointed out, you might as well put hope in yourself and save yourself like Andy Dufresne in the Shawshank Redemption.